Sunday 9 January 2011

What Must Be Done Scene 5a Script

Scene 5a Script:

Paddy: What’re you gonna do now, Sam?

Gabe: The same thing that you did to me two years ago. You see, the thing is, you never really cared, did you? Was I weak, feeble, I mean you obviously had something against me. You don’t even look surprised to see me. I don’t even think you feel any remorse, regret or guilt for your actions.

Paddy: I can’t feel anything, that’s the problem. You don’t think I’ve tried to forget? You think I’m glad that I drove you to such circumstances? I have taken the blame, I just cannot deal with the guilt-

Gabe: Oh, I do sympathise. You were always one- sided, only caring about yourself, always pushing the boundaries too far. Doesn’t look like much has changed. In fact, you even seemed to be having quite a relaxed, pleasant time until I showed up. Just thought I’d drop by, y’know as I was passing, give you a little reminder of the past.

Paddy: I’m sorry, I didn’t know it would stretch that far.

Gabe: Did you not? Did you not have some idea of what was eventually going to happen? You are a bully, Daniel. You were like a broken record, scratching and scratching against the surface of my tolerance. Sooner or later, that tolerance was going to break. I wasn’t going to stand for this. And what did I do? I took my own life, because of you. And you didn’t even care.

Paddy: Don’t presume that I haven’t thought about it. I can’t live with myself now, so go ahead, take your revenge and go. Perhaps you’ll even do me a favour.

Gabe: But I refuse to do it. After all, I am not a murderer, unlike you. I do not take pleasure in watching suffering, that’s why I will venture out of this room while you perform the deed. After all, you know what must be done.

(Gabe holds his hand out with the knife. Paddy takes it, and Gabe leaves the room).

Patrick Johnson 11S1

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