Sunday 9 January 2011

What Must Be Done Film Plot

Following on from an intense argument involving ?’s ability to survive without his parents, ? is left inside the family home for two days on his own. His past is generally unknown to the viewer, apart from the fact that he was once a bully, and two years ago, one of his victims committed suicide under the circumstances. Now toned down a fraction, ? is much less volatile, although still headstrong and stubborn, especially towards his family.

After the opening, ? is sat on a chair in the lounge watching TV. Subsequently, his program draws to an end, and he turns off the TV and goes out into the kitchen to make a drink. He is about to pour the drink, when he hears the TV in the background. Puzzled, he goes back into the lounge, to find a glass on the table, empty, except from the TV remote in it, and the TV turned on once again. He is about to turn the television off once again when he hears the faint sound of a running tap in the distance.

He goes out into the hallway and notices the toilet door open a fraction. He slowly advances towards the door, and looks inside to find both taps running. He turns them off, but one his way out, hears a door closing upstairs. He creeps slowly upstairs, and opens the door to his room to find a letter placed on his bed. He is about to open the letter, when the phone rings. He pockets the letter, then rushes to answer the phone.

He picks up the phone, and strange electrical noises are audible, until ? eventually puts the phone down. He feels a strange presence behind him, but turns around to see a knife in the middle of the kitchen floor. He panics, locks all the doors, shuts all the curtains and windows, turns all the taps and TV’s off, puts the phone off the hook, and goes upstairs to sit on the edge of his bed.

He eventually falls asleep, and dreams that a mysterious character unlocks the house’s back gate and door, grabs a knife from the kitchen top and proceeds upstairs. He opens the door of ?’s room, his hands over his face. He is about to remove his hands when ? wakes up with a start, sits up in bed and notices the knife he kept by the bed is gone. ? goes downstairs cautiously and gets a drink, convinces himself it was just a dream and proceeds upstairs.

Suddenly, a hand grabs his leg in an attempt to pull him back down again. ? looks back, and is horrified to see a man with blood all over his face roaring at him. He tries to break free, and at last manages to, but looks back down the stairs to discover the man has gone. He grabs a guitar in his room and hurries downstairs to check the house. He finds no-one and assumes that he must be imagining things, there is no other explanation. He places the guitar down, and exits the room only to dodge a large object aimed for his head. He man has grabbed a large pole and starts attacking ? with it. ? manages to dodge the blows, but falls over near the stairs.

The man slowly advances and is about to strike ?, when ? wriggles out of the way and races up the stairs. He goes into his room and closes the door, only to find nothing to use in self defence against the man. The man opens the door, to find ? sitting helplessly on the bed. The man begins to reflect on ?’s past life of bullying against the lad who committed suicide, and how nothing can be done to change the past. He reveals the knife which ? had kept by his bed, and hands it to ?.

The man then exits the room. ? remembers the letter the man had placed on his bed earlier and reads “you know what must be done”.

The final shot of the film features ? closing the curtains as seen from outside the house, implying suicide.

Patrick Johnson 11S1

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