Sunday 9 January 2011

Project Work- Film Scenes

Below is a list of all the scenes in What Must Be Done, and below that is a summary of all the camera shots/ angles in a couple of scenes.

Scene 1: Strange Disturbances

Scene 1a: Lounge (Watching TV)

Scene 1b: Kitchen Part 1

Scene 1c: Bathroom

Scene 1d: Upstairs

Scene 2: Drastic Measures

Scene 2a: Phone call

Scene 2b: Montage

Scene 2c: Sleep

Scene 3: The Intruder

Scene 3a: Nightmare

Scene 3b: Wake up

Scene 3c: Kitchen Part 2

Scene 3d: Conflict on the stairway

Scene 4: Paranoia

Scene 4a: Reality check

Scene 4b: Downstairs check

Scene 4c: Sudden attack

Scene 5: What Must Be Done

Scene 5a: Explanation

Scene 5b: What Must Be Done

Scene 1:

Shot of bedroom from left back corner. Bedroom door, shelves, mirror etc are visible. Transition into second shot: upstairs landing shown from toilet door. Transition into third shot, a shot downstairs from the upstairs landing. Next shot is from the front door, with the kitchen door fully open, which allows view of kitchen and back door. Shot of the dining room from inside kitchen.

1st Kitchen Scene:

Shot 1: Door handle from the right side at a slight angle. Turns at medium speed.

Shot 2: Shot from back door looking towards kitchen door. Kitchen door opens and ? walks towards the fridge.

Shot 3: Fridge from the left side at a medium close up. ? opens the fridge , gets out bottle of sprite, then closes fridge. ? moves out of shot.

Shot 4: Big close up of glass, as ? places it on the table. Bottle becomes visible, but ? does not pour, and music can be heard softly in the background.

Between shot moves up slowly from the glass to ?’s face who is seen frowning at the sudden noise.

Shot 4: ? puts the bottle and glass down, as seen from the back of the top surface.

Phone Scene:

Shot 1: Close up of my face from previous shot, looks round and hurriedly turns away out of the door. Camera quickly follows.

Shot 2: Camera positioned at the very end of banister. I rush across the corridor and down the stairs until out of view.

Shot 3: POV walking down second half of stairs, slows down when near the bottom, is about to pick up the phone.

Shot 4: Side shot from a slight angle of me medium close up. I pick up the phone and start talking. Shot stays like this for a while.

Shot 5: POV shot from behind left of me coming from the downstairs corridor. Gets closer and closer to me until almost directly behind. I put the phone down.

Shot 6: POV. Camera spins around very quickly, as if to suggest that something was behind me.

Shot 7: Inside lounge looking out onto corridor. I walk past door.

Shot 8: Camera is positioned on the window ledge next to back door. I notice something on the floor.

Shot 9: Close-up of my face.

Shot 10: Hand reaches down to grab a knife in the middle of the floor. Moves out of the shot.

Shot 11: Medium close up of me standing up, a strange expression on my face.

Wakeup Scene:

Shot 1: Medium close up of bed head, until I suddenly spring to a sitting up position on bed very close to camera. I turn round.

Shot 2: Shot from behind. I reach underneath the pillow to discover the knife is gone.

Shot 3: Shot from end of bed. I turn round and sit on the edge of bed. Shot blurs to…

Shot 4: Focus shot with book in focus next to camera by bedside, and me blurred in the background.

Shot 5: Shot from second to highest bookshelf, with video in focus and me in background out of focus.

Shot 6: Shot from where the mirror would have been, with blurred visions. I rub my eyes, and suddenly everything becomes in focus. The camera view is a sort of mirror which reflects what I am seeing at the time. Shot then turns as I walk towards the door.

Shot 7: Shot from upstairs corridor window ledge.

Patrick Johnson 11S1

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